Welcome Home, Academy Alumni!
The Grosse Pointe Academy is a community - a community of students, families and faculty.
Academy "Alumni" represents that community - as a former student, parent or beloved former faculty member, you are part of the Academy community.
YOU are Academy Alumni.
Academy Advantage Alumni Scholarship
Beginning in 2016, The Grosse Pointe Academy Alumni Association began awarding the Academy Advantage Alumni Scholarship. The Scholarship winner is chosen based on essays submitted from current high school seniors who graduated from the Academy. The title of each essay is "The Value of the Academy Experience and How it Changed my Life."
Congratulations to your fellow Academy Alumni and previous scholarship winners:
2016 Recipient: Alexander Minanov - Academy Class of 2012
2017 Recipient: David Scupholm - Academy Class of 2013
2018 Recipient: Hannah Lemanski - Academy Class of 2014
2019 Recipient: Adrian Doan - Academy Class of 2015
2020 Recipient: Maria Fields - Academy Class of 2016
2021 Recipient: Christina Thomas - Academy Class of 2017
2022 Recipient: Bode Neumeister - Academy Class of 2018
2023 Recipient: Robert Peabody - Academy Class of 2019
Alumni Spotlight
The Grosse Pointe Academy Alumnus, Fr. Bobby Karle, SJ, was ordained in 2021. A 1999 graduate of The Grosse Pointe Academy, Fr. Karle's dedication to understanding people by learning and living with them in their environment exemplifies several of the Cornerstones of an Academy education.
Alumni Association
Information about the Alumni Association, the Board, upcoming events, newsletters, etc.
Learn about volunteer activities within the Academy.
Update your contact information
Update your information, share your milestones or a fond memory, be part of an Alumni Spotlight, etc.