Learning Enrichment
Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher
-Japanese proverb
Each child is unique.
Learning support and enrichment is not a one size fits all approach at The Grosse Pointe Academy. Every student on our campus is unique and our small class sizes mean that each child is known and appreciated and supported. We are committed to the success of every student.
Director of Student Services
Our Director of Student Services works with students on an individual and small group basis to make sure all needs are met, from enrichment to reinforcement. Working with our classroom teachers, our Director helps design individualized programs to meet specific student needs.
An environment of collaboration.
The Director of Student Services collaborates with teachers and families to help students reach their highest potential as learners. A support team, including the student, parents, administrators and teachers, creates a Student Support Plan that outlines the student’s strengths, areas of concern, goals, classroom strategies and accommodations.
Students, parents and teachers will be engaged in ongoing dialogue to ensure students’ needs and parents’ concerns are being addressed.
Nurturing, Challenging and Inspiring each student.
We draw upon current research in the field in designing and providing academically challenging experiences for all of our learners . These include curriculum compacting, clustering, pull-out programs, push-in programs, acceleration, team teaching, modeling and individualized independent study projects. We strive to provide our gifted students with learning challenges and experiences that differ qualitatively from their regular, grade-level curriculum based upon their individual needs.